• 1. Bathhouse Rules

    carved and burned wood

  • 2. The Babies

    Collaboration with Kai Chan. size varies. ceramic, sand, soil, chamomile, ivy

  • 3. Bathhouse Walls

    wood, tile, paper clay, markers

  • 4. Basin

    tires, wood legs, fabric scraps dyed ingdigo, basin, chamomile, lavender, bells, mint, pennies

  • 5. How Can I Help You?

    Collaboration with Sophie Roessler. wood, tiles, fabric, marker, vinyl, poly-stuff

  • 6. Rest in Peace Headless Beast

    foam, fabric

  • 7. Communal Archive

    Collaboration with Xixi Edelsbrunner. Photos from loved ones, wood, string, found objects, resin. ceramics, foam.